New 'Drifting' ETC Modes!

Lately we've been experimenting with more "animated" modes, where things float and drift across the screen. All of these modes are trigger-based (T). Three of them load images (replace with your own!) while one of them is a "drawing" mode. They all have slightly different behaviors, but a similar vibe. Happy drifting!
Here's a brief description of each mode:
T - Marching Four - Img -- Four images "march" across the screen at different speeds when triggered by the audio amplitude.
T - Marching Two Transparent - Img -- Two images "march" across the screen at different speeds and in different directions when triggered by the audio amplitude. You can adjust the opacity of the images too!
T - Quad Spin Transparent - Img -- Four images arranged in four quadrants spin incrementally when triggered by the incoming audio's amplitude. This mode also has opacity control for the images.
T - Migrating Circle Grids -- This one's the best! Four grids of circles migrate and regroup on the screen when triggered by the amplitude of incoming audio.