Orac 2.0
Exciting news! There is a new, more powerful, cleaned-up, expanded version of Orac.
If you're not familiar, Orac is an amazing Organelle patch created by Mark "thetechnobear" Harris that implements a chain-able modular workflow. In Orac, you can assemble chains of familiar patches into complex new 'instruments.' This allows the Organelle to behave like a group of Organelles strung together, either in a line or parallel to one another. Orac 2.0 is more straightforward and has more stuff to tweak.
Three major highlights of Orac 2.0:
1. Orac 2.0 offers two routing options: 'Serial' (1 chain of 10) or 'Parallel' (3 parallel chains; 3-4-3).
2. There are two global modules: 'Pre' (effecting each chain before the first module) and 'Post' (adding a module globally after each chain.)
3. 'Modulation' objects can be mapped to various modules.
Other new features include added control over MIDI, the ability to save/load sample banks, cleaner interface, and new modules. Orac 2.0 is seriously powerful. Try it for yourself:
To run Orac 2.0 you will also need to update PureData on your Organelle to PD 0.49:
We also made this printable template set so you can map out serial/parallel chains before/after you build them: