Sample playing patch with built-in sample selection randomization! Record new tracks on top of a sequence.
Sample playing patch with built-in sample selection randomization! Record new tracks on top of a sequence.
Each of the Organelle’s 24 keys is ‘loaded’ with 1-4 samples. Each keypress or sequencer playback randomly plays one of the loaded samples. The samples are stored in a folder so you can easily replace the sounds for each key. The folder name numbers correspond to the key number. You can make adjustments to sample speed and decay and also control an output filter.
Knob1: Sample Speed
Knob2: Decay
Knob3: Filter Cutoff Frequency
Knob4: Dry/Wet Mix
Aux: Sequencer Control (Use top row of keys to select options in the Menu)
Foot Switch: N/A
Enjoy the patch more by adding your own files to the patch! (16-bit 44.1K mono .wav files)